Thursday, June 19

Noon Review

Ok. So let me get this out of the way right off the bat... idiot ...

I know that we have all been in that same spot at some point in our lives. We have all had that time when the fun gets a little out of control, things just start spinning. The difference being that we are all not on National TV ! They should go and film Jesse going back to his "regular job" for about a month. They should show it to every guy who ever makes it on the show from here on out. It seems to me Jesse is like Lenny from "of Mice and Men"some times. You know he doesn't mean it, but that doesnt change the fact that it just can't be done. Wheeew got that over with. quick hits for today are :

UFC T.U.F.Finale is set , look for my complete predictions and fight break on this weekends shows later tonight

live on Spike TV from 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM (ET/PT) on Saturday, June 21
main card
E.Tanner vs. K. Grove
TUF 7 Tourny Finals A.Sadollah vs. C.B. Dollaway
D.Sanchez vs L.Fioravanti
S. Fischer Vs. J. Stephens
J.Burkman vs. D.Hazlett
M. Eastman vs. D. McFedries
D. Lister vs J.Horn
T.Credeur vs. C. Yarbrough
M.Arroyo vs. M.Brown
D.Rivera vs. M.Riddle

Not bad at all. Rumors are starting to swirl about Dana White's role in the company after the shake up this week . I can see both side of the debate. I know that it is not a good thing for the UFC if EXC is on CBS, and the UFC is on SPIKE TV. They dont want the untapped masses to believe that EXC is superior. In my opinion the UFC has less than 18 months to get on one of 5 major channels (HBO,ABC,ESPN,NBC,FOX) or they stand to loose a substantial amount of fan base to EXC.Watch Dana White talk about it at 3pm on sat on

Affliction needs a serious add campain soon. The UFC is putting together a nice card for Fight Night 14 This Card poses a real threat to their first show. There philosophy of spending millions of dollars on fighters and not telling people is as bad as, not spending any money and telling everyone in the world. There card is deep on names but little sizzle. The need a TV comercial on major network tv with highlights on this show.. I just dont see it happening.

I am out

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